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courses details

Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing Training

Windows Azure, which was later renamed as Microsoft Azure in 2014, is a cloud computing platform, designed by Microsoft to successfully build, deploy, and manage applications and services through a global network of data centers. In this course you will learn all the features of Microsoft Azure as well as their implementation.


$2000 ( instructor-led Virtual Classes)

$1000 (Self-paced through recorded videos and hand-on labs)

$800 (For our trainees from attending from Africa. This is a 60% discount aimed at empowering those from third word countries thanks to a collaboration from the Kiawi Foundation)

200+ Hours of intensive hands-on training

Duration: 4-5 months depending on your previous background

Facilitated by top Azure. Databases administrators

Group Projects/ Capstone Project

Direct path to becoming certified


Microsoft Azure Administrator - Exams: AZ-104

MS Azure Solution Architect - Exams: AZ-303 and AZ-304

Expectations and Goals

Students in this program are expected to gain knowledge in managing Azure cloud computing. To effectively learn Microsoft azure,trainees are expected to be familiar with windows environment and understand cloud computing platforms like Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Target Trainees

This course is designed for Database administrators, Software developers or individuals looking for a career change, who are interested in learning about the benefits of Microsoft Azure 

Course Materials

An azure 30 days trial free subscription

Good laptop of 16GB of total physical memory running on Windows PRO version

Required Text Books

Books online

Exam Ref AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, Author: Jim Cheshire

Deployment of Microsoft Azure Cloud Solutions. A complete guide to cloud development using Microsoft Azure. Authors: Florian Klaffenbach, Jan-Henrik Damaschke, Oliver Michalski, Ritesh Modi 

Possible Careers After training

Microsoft Azure Administrator

Microsoft Azure Solution Architect

Cloud Computing Engineer

Cloud Solution Engineer

Cloud Solution Architect

Microsoft Azure Developer


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About the instructor

Dr. Denis Kiawi / Instructor

Dr. Denis Kiawi is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of KiawitechIT Academy. With more than 10 years of Professional experience as Senior Database Administrator and Clous Solution Architecht, Dr. Kiawi shares his knowledge with his IT trainees in the fields of MSSQL Server Database Administration and Azure Cloud Computing. He also doubles as a professional coach and mentor.\\r\\n In his early career, Dr. Kiawi rose to the summit of astronomical studies by obtaining a rare and highly competitive scientific PhD in ‘Infrared studies of astronomically relevant metallic clusters and their interactions with simple molecules’. Dr. Kiawi dwelled in academia for years before transitioning to take over the world of information technology. He created the life changing KiawiTechIT academy, which is today transforming ordinary people into IT gurus. KiawiTechIT Academy is, in fact, a product of the Kiawi Group of companies, which comprises of; KiawiTechIT Academy LLC, The Kiawi Investment Ltd, Kiawi Foundation and the Kiawi Farms. KiawiTechIT Academy was created with the aim of giving back to society through education with focus on specialized fields of information technology like database administration (DBA), Azure cloud Computing and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Under his erudite leadership, the Academy has successfully graduated and placed over 300 trainees in the job market around the world.\\r\\n

Cyprain Fang Awah / Instructor

Mr. Cyprain F. Awah is the Director of Programs and a Senior Instructor for MSSQL Server Database Administration and Azure Cloud Computing at KiawiTechIT Academy. With a fervent passion and over 18+ years diverse experience, varied certifications and accomplishments in several I.T. fields, Cyprian, is a future-ready Senior I.T. Engineer, Consultant and instructor in Database Management, Networking, Cloud Computing, Server Administration, POS, Intercom, Surveillance & Security Systems, a technopreneur and general I.T. Solutions Provider. He is also an IT Career Coach and mentor to many successful IT professionals in the field.

Rene N. Yong / Instructor

Rene is an Experienced Database Administrator based in the Frankfurt Metropolitan region of Germany. He is highly skilled and certified in IT Service Management, Microsoft SQL Server Database Administration and Azure Cloud Computing. He is also an ITIL V4 expert and Microsoft Solution Architect Expert certified. At KiawiTechIt Academy, he is an instructor for Azure cloud Computing and MSSQL Server Database Administration as well as a passionate mentor and IT career coach.

$ 1.49
  • Course level Intermediate
  • Course Duration 120 days
  • Lessions 7
  • Quizzes 2
  • Certificate Yes

secure payment

  • Thursday : 05:30 pm - 07:31 pm CST
  • Saturday : 09:00 am - 12:00 pm CST
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